It had been on
display on several
occasions in museums
and at kitefestivals
around the globe. The
collection not only
displays the above shown
kitestamps, but also stamp
kites (magnified
kitestamps, made into a
real flying kite) and kitestamp
May be on Display
at your Kite Festival or
Kite Museum: Just
und ShangHai haben ausgezeichnete Post-Museen
mit umfangreichen Briefmarken-Ausstellungen.
Auch Drachenbriefmarken sind dort zu bewundern.
BeiJing and ShangHai have excellent postal
museums with extensive stamp exhibitions.
Kite stamps can also be admired there.
北京 和上海都有优秀的邮政博物馆,里面有大量的邮票展览。还可